zaterdag 17 december 2011
Christmas Tree and lots of troubles
Previous sunday I went to collect my christmas tree... I barely fitted in my 1302.
In the evening sadly enough my fuel pump broke down.
I've ordered a new one and wen't to collect it yesterday evening. I took the UE to collect the pump.
Disaster strook again: on the way home - in the snowy kind of rain - the engine stalled. The battery seemed to be completely discharged. Thanks to Koen from Geko Tuning - who helpep me out with a battery booster - i got home.
At night I fitted the fuel pump on the 1302 because I needed a car on saturday.
This afternoon I've been checking all kinds of stuff on the UE and I think it's the regulator unit from the alternator that broke down. I'll keep you informed.
Enjoy some pics of the christmas Tree
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