Sunday there was a small oldtimer meeting at the home (scrapyard) of the well known Ludolfs.
We (Next Racer, his girlfriend Elke, his brother en I) departed on saturday. Once we entered Germany we started cruising secondary roads with the UE.
So packed with 4 people and luggage - the car was laying really low ;-)
We spend the night at a small family hotel and on sunday we drove the final part of the trip.
Sadly enough the Ludolfs were in Poland - so we didn't saw them. The meeting started in front of the scrap yard but very soon the narrow roads was filled with old timers so we had to move to the corner of the streat - in an industrial area.
The meeting had some real nice looking participants: a belgian BMW 1602, a real nice and old Mercedes cabriolet, an nice looking Audi 50, some Fiat 600's, a Type 181, two other beetles, a Porsche 911 Turbo, ...
Enjoy some pics
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