woensdag 26 mei 2010

K-UE Treffen Koln und raum Bergisch Gladbach - Sunday

Again we left the hotel at 8.15 and drove to Cologne (Koln).

We parked the bugs in front of the Kolner Dom and visited the Dom.

Seba, Elke, Brecht and I took the stair the climb the tower. The view of the city on top of this tower is magnificent. Off course we took some pictures of the bugs standing in front of the Dom.

At noon the bishop blessed our beetles for safe driving - as was frequent in the fifties.

After a typical lunch we made a boat trip on the Rhein.

After a little walk we took the elevator at the LVR-Tower to enjoy the view on the historic centre of Koln and the surroundings.

After the buffet and the briefing we ended our day in the bar of the hotel.

Geen opmerkingen: